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Independent Belarusian Media Support Programme - open call
Freedom of speech

How can David stand up to Goliath? Follow the first International Conference on SLAPPs in Poland
Freedom of speech

7 steps to restore the rule of law and respect for human rights on the Polish-Belarusian border
The rights of migrants

Behind the border wall is a strip of Polish territory – new judgment on humanitarian aid
The rights of migrants

Border Guard fines cancelled by courts. Humanitarian aid is completely legal
The rights of migrants

Helping is legal. Court acquits people who brought humanitarian aid over border wall
The rights of migrants

Statement by civil society organisations after the 2023 parliamentary elections

Supreme Court: judgment was right, TVP must apologise to a refugee

UPDATE: The case of an activist suspected of leading a criminal ring: a judge seconded by the Minister of Justice/Prosecutor General to hear the appeal against the pre-trial detention of the activist
Rule of law and fair trial, The rights of migrants

Detention of a Polish human rights activist - the HFHR Board statement
The rights of migrants

From the regional press to Orlen Press. The Foundation's report
Freedom of speech

The courts speak a clear language: the treatment of foreigners at the Polish-Belarusian border is unlawful. We summarise the existing jurisprudence
The rights of migrants

Migrant children should not be detained in guarded centres. HFHR intervenes in ECtHR proceedings in connection with the detention of children
The rights of migrants

Polish witch-hunt - the Foundation's opinion on the Law on the State Commission for Investigating Russian Influence on Internal Security
Rule of law and fair trial

Media freedom in the EU in steady decline, annual report by 20+ civil liberties groups finds
Freedom of speech

Here they come and take it all away: anti-Ukrainian hate speech on Polish Twitter
The rights of migrants

Border Group activities in December 2022 and January 2023
The rights of migrants

Report on anti-repression activities implemented since the beginning of the humanitarian crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border
The rights of migrants, Human rights defenders

Pandemic versus freedom of assembly. The European Court of Human Rights to assess a possible Poland’s infringement
Freedom of assembly

President of the Constitutional Court must provide the Helsinki Foundation with the details of changes in judicial panels, rules a Provincial Administrative Court
Rule of law and fair trial

Abortion Dream Team activist accused of aiding an abortion. HFHR submits an amicus curiae brief
Equal treatment, Human rights defenders

The humanitarian crisis at the Polish-Belarusian border drags on. Helsinki Foundation sends a report to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
The rights of migrants

A state of accusation. Polish prosecution service 2016-2022 – a new report of the Helsinki Foundation
Rule of law and fair trial

Situation on the Polish-Belarusian border
The rights of migrants

Has the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infected the criminal justice system? An HFHR report
Rule of law and fair trial
HFHR urges EU Home Affairs Commissioner to address the asylum and humanitarian crisis at the Polish-Belarusian border in talks with Polish authorities

On the side of the law. An analysis of the situation on the Polish-Belarusian border

The draft amendment of the Act on Foreigners and the Act on Granting Them Protection violate EU asylum law principles – legal opinion of the HFHR
The rights of migrants

HFHR’s position statement on the Prosecutor General’s request for the constitutional review of Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights submitted to the Polish Constitutional Court

New Technologies – New Justice – New Questions: the latest report by the Helsinki Foundation and Clifford Chance

Arrests and abuse of force: HFHR writes to the Chief Commissioner of the Police on protests against a judgment of the Constitutional Court
Freedom of assembly, Law enforcement services

Declaration of social organisations on the takeover of the office of the Ombudsman by the parliamentary majority
HFHR takes action in response to police conduct in Głogów

HFHR submits amicus curiae brief to ECtHR in the case of a Polish judge
Rule of law and fair trial
złożyła w tej sprawie zawiadomienie do prokuratury. Po prawie pięciu miesiącach prokuratura odmówiła wszczęcia śledztwa – w jej ocenie czyny funkcjonariusza i jego przełożonych nie zawierały znamion czynu zabronionego.;
Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights joins proceedings concerning Random Case Allocation System
Rule of law and fair trial