HFHR writes to Health Minister, alarmed by situation in A&E departments
HFHR writes to Health Minister, alarmed by situation in A&E departments
Has Poland fully executed ECtHR’s judgment on Chechen family’s detention? HFHR’s communication to CoE’s Committee of Ministers
Has Poland fully executed ECtHR’s judgment on Chechen family’s detention? HFHR’s communication to CoE’s Committee of Ministers
The rights of migrants
HFHR intervenes in child and adolescent psychiatry cases
HFHR intervenes in child and adolescent psychiatry cases
European NGOs submit a joint amicus curiae brief to ECtHR in a case involving the confirmation of Polish citizenship for a child of a same-sex couple
European NGOs submit a joint amicus curiae brief to ECtHR in a case involving the confirmation of Polish citizenship for a child of a same-sex couple
Equal treatment
An amicus curiae brief to the ECtHR on special needs education
An amicus curiae brief to the ECtHR on special needs education
Ground-breaking lawsuit targets living conditions at post-penal psychiatric facility
Ground-breaking lawsuit targets living conditions at post-penal psychiatric facility
Supreme Court: dismissed religion teacher correctly reinstated to work
Supreme Court: dismissed religion teacher correctly reinstated to work
Last hearing in case of Igor Stachowiak’s death in police custody
Last hearing in case of Igor Stachowiak’s death in police custody
Law enforcement services, Freedom from torture
HFHR on prohibition of Rzeszów Equality March
HFHR on prohibition of Rzeszów Equality March
Freedom of assembly, Equal treatment
Administrative court rules on transcription of LGBT family child’s birth certificate
Administrative court rules on transcription of LGBT family child’s birth certificate
Equal treatment
HFHR issues statement on arrest of Elżbieta Podleśna
HFHR issues statement on arrest of Elżbieta Podleśna
Equal treatment, Freedom of assembly, Law enforcement services
Incapacitated persons will vote in European Elections, says court in landmark ruling
Incapacitated persons will vote in European Elections, says court in landmark ruling
Equal treatment
HFHR report: access to asylum procedure at Poland’s external borders. Current state of affairs and future challenges
HFHR report: access to asylum procedure at Poland’s external borders. Current state of affairs and future challenges
The rights of migrants
HFHR intervenes in case of prisoner’s death
HFHR intervenes in case of prisoner’s death
Law enforcement services
Prosecutor’s orders delivered at recipient’s expense: intervention
Prosecutor’s orders delivered at recipient’s expense: intervention
Rule of law and fair trial
Transcription of birth certificates of surrogate-born children: HFHR presents opinion to ECtHR
Transcription of birth certificates of surrogate-born children: HFHR presents opinion to ECtHR
HFHR submits amicus curiae brief in domestic violence case
HFHR submits amicus curiae brief in domestic violence case
Rule of law and fair trial
HFHR launches report on reintegration of residents of juvenile rehabilitation institutions
HFHR launches report on reintegration of residents of juvenile rehabilitation institutions
Amicus brief on Russian NGO law
Amicus brief on Russian NGO law
Human rights defenders
Poland yet to comply with ECHR judgments on access to abortion
Poland yet to comply with ECHR judgments on access to abortion
Rule of law and fair trial
HFHR’s opinion on legal incapacitation
HFHR’s opinion on legal incapacitation
Rule of law and fair trial, Equal treatment
CPT publishes report on torture in Poland
CPT publishes report on torture in Poland
Freedom from torture
Helsinki Foundation stands up for detained protesters
Helsinki Foundation stands up for detained protesters
Law enforcement services, Freedom of assembly
Rights of Persons Deprived of Liberty. Fundamental Legal and Practical Issues – HFHR’s report
Rights of Persons Deprived of Liberty. Fundamental Legal and Practical Issues – HFHR’s report
Freedom from torture
Constitutional Tribunal rules on displaying reasons of disability in disability certificates
Constitutional Tribunal rules on displaying reasons of disability in disability certificates
Rule of law and fair trial, Equal treatment
Deadly raid of security services, HFHR issues statement to Warsaw’s Regional Prosecutor’s Office
Rule of law and fair trial, The rights of migrants, Law enforcement services
Top administrative court dismisses Border Guard’s appeal against judgment revoking entry refusal decision issued against Chechen refugee
Top administrative court dismisses Border Guard’s appeal against judgment revoking entry refusal decision issued against Chechen refugee
The rights of migrants
Case of Tomasz Komenda: time for reflection
Case of Tomasz Komenda: time for reflection
Rule of law and fair trial
Police violence in Poland: HFHR submits amicus curiae opinion in Strasbourg Court
Police violence in Poland: HFHR submits amicus curiae opinion in Strasbourg Court
Law enforcement services
How were court chiefs sacked? HFHR reports
How were court chiefs sacked? HFHR reports
Rule of law and fair trial
Strasbourg Court’s first judgment on immigrant detention in Poland
Strasbourg Court’s first judgment on immigrant detention in Poland
The rights of migrants
HFHR responds to deadly police intervention
HFHR responds to deadly police intervention
Law enforcement services, Rule of law and fair trial
Minister of Justice tarnished reputation of judge recalled from official travel assignment
Minister of Justice tarnished reputation of judge recalled from official travel assignment
Rule of law and fair trial
Assemblies Act scrutinised by Supreme Court
Assemblies Act scrutinised by Supreme Court
Freedom of assembly
No ophthalmologist appointment for patient with assistance dog. Court: this is discrimination based on disability
No ophthalmologist appointment for patient with assistance dog. Court: this is discrimination based on disability
Equal treatment
Judicial red tape: settlement in Strasbourg
Judicial red tape: settlement in Strasbourg
Rule of law and fair trial