Freedom from torture
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States must combat domestic violence in the context of COVID-19 lockdowns
Freedom from torture, Equal treatment

Poland yet to comply with ECtHR judgments on access to abortion
Rule of law and fair trial, Freedom from torture

Last hearing in case of Igor Stachowiak’s death in police custody
Law enforcement services, Freedom from torture

CPT publishes report on torture in Poland
Freedom from torture

Rights of Persons Deprived of Liberty. Fundamental Legal and Practical Issues – HFHR’s report
Freedom from torture

Torture victim released after 10 months in immigration custody
The rights of migrants, Freedom from torture

Tajikistan: Committee against Torture. Written information for the List of Issues
Freedom from torture

Rights of detained persons. Basic legal and practical problems – HFHR’s perspective
Freedom from torture, Equal treatment

Foundation critical on draft of anti-abortion law
Rule of law and fair trial, Freedom from torture

ECtHR awards compensation in respect of non-pecuniary damage to a teenage girl denied access to lawful abortion
Freedom from torture, Rule of law and fair trial