
Opinion of HFHR on the motion of the Public Prosecutor General to declare unconstitutional Art. 6 paragraph 1 of the ECHR
Rule of law and fair trial
Joint Statement on the Sentencing of Two Members of Human Rights Group Viasna in Belarus

Belarus: Bar Association should reinstate disbarred lawyer Natalia Matskevich
Human rights defenders
HFHR urges EU Home Affairs Commissioner to address the asylum and humanitarian crisis at the Polish-Belarusian border in talks with Polish authorities

Belarus: International human rights groups demand release of Viasna members on first anniversary of crackdown
Freedom of assembly, Freedom of speech, Human rights defenders

On the side of the law. An analysis of the situation on the Polish-Belarusian border

The draft amendment of the Act on Foreigners and the Act on Granting Them Protection violate EU asylum law principles – legal opinion of the HFHR
The rights of migrants
Stowarzyszenie Sędziów Polskich „Iustitia”

A tool of the government. The functioning of the Polish Constitutional Court in 2016-2021
Rule of law and fair trial

HFHR’s position statement on the Prosecutor General’s request for the constitutional review of Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights submitted to the Polish Constitutional Court

Statement on the mounting repression against Belarusian lawyers and the disbarment of Dmitriy Laevski
Human rights defenders

Belarus: UN experts will examine the arbitrary detention of journalist Raman Pratasevich
Human rights defenders

New Technologies – New Justice – New Questions: the latest report by the Helsinki Foundation and Clifford Chance

Changes in the Board of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights

European Court of Human Rights will examine access to a lawyer in Poland. HFHR submits amicus curiae brief
Rule of law and fair trial

Statement of the Polish Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights on comments made by the President of the Republic of Poland on the Commissioner for Human Rights

Can digitisation of courts be the remedy for the lengthy proceedings?
Rule of law and fair trial

Arrests and abuse of force: HFHR writes to the Chief Commissioner of the Police on protests against a judgment of the Constitutional Court
Freedom of assembly, Law enforcement services

Declaration of social organisations on the takeover of the office of the Ombudsman by the parliamentary majority
HFHR takes action in response to police conduct in Głogów

COVID-19 survivor detained despite ill health, prevented from seeing his lawyers. Detention lifted thanks to HFHR’s brief
Law enforcement services

Open Letter to the European Commission – Rule of Law Crisis in Poland
Rule of law and fair trial

“New” trials in “old” courts, or how the pandemic changes court sittings
Rule of law and fair trial

Public statement on the human rights situation in Belarus: repressions against lawyers and advocates
Human rights defenders

Statement delivered by Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights on the High Commissioner report on the situation of human rights in Belarus
Rule of law and fair trial, Human rights defenders

In search of reasonable time… of court proceedings: HFHR publishes a report on judicial backlogs
Rule of law and fair trial

More cases of police abuse against protesters. HFHR intervenes with Chief Commissioner of the Police
Law enforcement services, Freedom of assembly

Human Rights in the Times of a Pandemic. 10 months, 10 rights, 10 restrictions, 10 recommendations for the future…