
Situation on the Polish-Belarusian border
The rights of migrants
HFHR takes action in response to police conduct in Głogów
złożyła w tej sprawie zawiadomienie do prokuratury. Po prawie pięciu miesiącach prokuratura odmówiła wszczęcia śledztwa – w jej ocenie czyny funkcjonariusza i jego przełożonych nie zawierały znamion czynu zabronionego.;

Accountability for police violence – a systemic problem. HFHR sends a communication to CoE Committee of Ministers
Law enforcement services

More and more persons detained pending trial. HFHR sends communication to CoE Committee of Ministers
Rule of law and fair trial, Law enforcement services

Civil procedure rules on instructions must be streamlined, HFHR writes to CoE Committee of Ministers
Law enforcement services, Rule of law and fair trial

Amended Code of Execution of Criminal Sentences fails to address issues related to personal searches, HFHR writes to CoE Committee of Ministers
Law enforcement services, Rule of law and fair trial

HFHR’s communication to Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers: Polish authorities are still failing to address lengthy pre-trial detention
Law enforcement services

Last hearing in case of Igor Stachowiak’s death in police custody
Law enforcement services, Freedom from torture

HFHR issues statement on arrest of Elżbieta Podleśna
Equal treatment, Freedom of assembly, Law enforcement services

HFHR intervenes in case of prisoner’s death
Law enforcement services

Helsinki Foundation stands up for detained protesters
Law enforcement services, Freedom of assembly
Deadly raid of security services, HFHR issues statement to Warsaw’s Regional Prosecutor’s Office
Rule of law and fair trial, The rights of migrants, Law enforcement services

Police violence in Poland: HFHR submits amicus curiae opinion in Strasbourg Court
Law enforcement services

HFHR responds to deadly police intervention
Law enforcement services, Rule of law and fair trial

Detainee dies in custody. HFHR intervenes in Agnieszka Pysz case
Law enforcement services

19-year-old dies in holding cell: reply of prosecutor’s office
Law enforcement services

HFHR intervenes in case of Austrian’s death in police custody
Law enforcement services

Police brutality
Law enforcement services