Joint Statement of Support for Ieva Raubiško
We, civil society organizations and human rights defenders dedicated to protecting human rights and supporting refugees across Europe, express our deep concern and unwavering support for Ieva Raubiško, who faces legal challenges in Latvia due to her commendable humanitarian efforts.
Ieva Raubiško is scheduled to appear in court again on May 21st, accused under Article 284, Part 2 of the Latvian Criminal Code for allegedly organizing illegal border crossings. This indictment must be viewed in the broader context of escalating border tensions and the critical humanitarian needs at the Latvia-Belarus border, as underscored in communications by international bodies.
The previous Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, has highlighted significant issues concerning the treatment of refugees and asylum seekers at the border, including violent pushbacks and the denial of asylum procedures, which have been associated with serious human rights violations and even deaths from hypothermia as reported by Médécins Sans Frontières and acknowledged by the Latvian State Border Guard Service.
Furthermore, the Commissioner has emphasized the increasing tendency to criminalize humanitarian assistance provided by individuals and organizations, noting that these acts are essential for making state policies compliant with human rights standards. The court proceedings against Ieva Raubiško, who was merely performing humanitarian duties, starkly illustrates this concerning trend.
In light of the dire conditions reported and the crucial role that civil society organisations play in safeguarding fundamental human rights, we call upon the Latvian authorities to ensure that the charges against Ieva Raubiško are reviewed with utmost regard to the principles of human rights. The legal proceedings should respect international standards and reflect an understanding of the humanitarian imperatives that guide the actions of defenders like Ieva Raubiško.
We stand in solidarity with Ieva Raubiško and all those who courageously assist individuals in peril at the borders of Europe. Their dedication to human dignity and international law must not only be recognized but protected under the broader commitments to human rights upheld by the European community. We don’t want a world where people are afraid to help each other.
Grupa Granica
Fundacja Bezkres
Klub Inteligencji Katolickiej
Stowarzyszenie Egala
Stowarzyszenie No To Ci Pomogę
Stowarzyszenie We Are Monitoring
Fundacja Polska Gościnność / Chlebem i Solą
Fundacja Polskie Forum Migracyjne
NOMADA Association for Multicultural Society Integration
Stowarzyszenie Interwencji Prawnej
Badaczki i Badacze na Granicy
Fundacja dla Wolności
Fundacja Inicjatywa Dom Otwarty
Fundacja Instytut na rzecz Państwa Prawa
Fundacja Ocalenie
Fundacja Strefa WolnoSłowa
Fundacja „Ukraiński Dom”
Kuchnia Konfliktu
Podlaskie Ochotnicze Pogotowie Humanitarne
Stowarzyszenie Homo Faber
Queer Without Borders
Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights